E Waste Recycling Center Near Me











E Waste Recycling Center Near Me, HME Waste Management Company will help you to recycle e-waste and also pay for it.
Anyone who recycles, reprocesses, or recovers waste electrical and electronic equipment or assemblies or their components is considered a recycler and must apply for an e-waste recycling licence from the MoEF and CPCB. Take advantage of simple processing, quick updates, and, best of all, no hidden fees.

What is an E-Waste?
E-waste is denoted by the abbreviation aste. E-waste is defined as electronic products that are unwanted, broken, or nearing or at the end of their “useful life.”
Computers, television sets, stereos, photocopiers, and printers are examples of common electronic products.
According to the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016, ‘E-Waste’ refers to any electrical and electronic equipment whose life has come to an end or has been discarded in part as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer, as well as rejected from the manufacturing, refurbishment, and repair industries.
A scenario of E-Waste Production in India
In India, electronic waste is spreading a very serious problem for people’s health and the environment. India makes the “fifth most electronic waste in the world.” It is estimated that 2 million tonnes of e-waste are made every year, and an unknown number of electronic products are imported from other countries around the world. When these products reach the end of their useful lives, they become E-Waste.
Different types of electronic items add to E-Waste every year. About 70% of E-Waste comes from personal computing devices, 12% from the telecom sector, 8% from medical equipment, and 7% from electric equipment.
Nearly 75% of electronic waste comes from the government, public sector companies, and private sector companies. Only 16% of electronic waste comes from individual households.
What is an E-Waste Recycling Plant?
Before we talk about what an E-Waste Recycling Plant is, let’s talk about what E-Waste Recycling is. E-waste recycling is the reuse and reprocessing of electrical and electronic equipment of any kind that has been rejected or is considered to be at the end of its useful life. E-waste includes things like TVs, refrigerators, printers, fans, radios, and IT equipment like computers, cell phones, laptops, batteries, circuit boards, hard drives, and monitors, among other things. It also includes things like high-end electronics, lighting, and gaming equipment.
People are becoming more aware of how to recycle E-Waste, which was started to protect people and the environment from the bad effects of E-Waste.
An E-Waste recycling plant is a place where electronic products that are no longer useful are taken to be recycled. The E-Waste that is collected from consumers is taken to a recycling plant where it is sorted, taken apart, treated, and thrown away.
How to Set Up an E-Waste Recycling Plant Based on Environmental Laws
C Before setting up an E-Waste Recycling Plant, the person who will use it must get permission from the department in charge. After looking over all of the project’s paperwork, the department in charge decides whether or not to grant permission.
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 and the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974.
Why is it important to manage E-Waste?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), when the toxic materials that leach from E-Waste come in direct contact with the humans, animals and with the environment health risks may arise and degradation of environment also take place. The toxic materials are such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr) or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Serious health issues can arise due to the Inhalation of the toxic fumes, as well as from the accumulation of chemicals in soil, grater, and food. As this contaminated water and food will enter into the food chain of human beings leading to the ill effects.
This contamination puts not just people in danger but the environment. In developing countries, the risks are exceptionally high because some developed countries send their e-waste there for disposal, but now keeping in view the danger of E-Waste provisions are made which prohibit the import-export of E-Waste. It is observed that the alobal e-waste has detrimental effects not only on the people that work with the e waste but also the people that live
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Lack of awareness on E-Waste leads to difficulty in managing E-Waste, Because of this, a proper recycling process needs to be put in place to protect us and future generations. Visit the recycling centre near me