With the acceleration of new technology, the line between “electronic assets” and “IT assets” becomes blurred through an increasing number of data bearing devices, an increase in the amount of data devices bear, the introduction of The Internet of Things (IOT), and is compounded by the mountain of legacy devices that many organizations have stockpiled.
HME Waste Management is the largest fully integrated ITAD service provider in India with the smallest downstream footprint of any competitor. This means HME Waste Management is able to process both data-bearing and non-data bearing assets for your organization while ensuring 100% data destruction and reducing environmental impact, all while maximizing asset recovery value.
HME Waste Management takes asset tracking seriously, and developed the industry leading proprietary software Optech. Optech tracks every IT asset from the moment it arrives at HME Waste Management to its final disposition and provides 100% transparency into HME Waste Management’s operations through an easy to use client portal and mobile application.
HME Waste Management provides an end-to-end program to manage the complete disposition of retired Electronic & IT assets, ensuring 100% data destruction, maximizing asset value recovery, minimizing penalty charges & fines, ensuring complete regulatory compliance, and meeting or surpassing all corporate risk management requirements. Examples of some of the devices HME Waste Management processes include: